Linear High Bay,Garage Light Linear Highbay,Led Linear Highbay Light,High Lumen Linear High Bay Light Fuonce-Lighting , Name of product specification Materials Steel factory / origin Price (yuan/ton) Than yesterday Compared to last week Than last month Note Strip steel 2.75*150 DF01 Nangang 3960 60 60 260 Strip steel 2.75*180 DF01 Nangang 3960 60 60 260 Strip steel 2.5*183 Q195L Tangshan Jianlong 3900 80 140 370 Strip steel 2.5*355 Q195L Jilin Jianlong 3910 70 130 360 Strip steel 2.5*183 Q195 Tangshan Guofeng 3900 60 120 370 Strip steel 2.5*160 Q235 Tangshan Guofeng 3900 60 120 370 Strip steel 3.5*273 Q235 Tangshan Guofeng 3900 60 120 360 Strip steel 2.5*232 Q235 Tangshan Guofeng 3900 60 120 360 Strip steel 3.0*350 HG5 Hanggang 4000 60 60 260 Strip steel 3.0*200 HG5 Hanggang 4000 60 60 260