ISO is an English abbreviation for an organization. Its full name is International Organization for Standardization, translated into Chinese is "International Standardization Organization". Lab Testing Equipment,Testing Equipment,Standars Test Equipment,Test Equipment Xinxiang Xin Ming De Machinery Co., Ltd. ,
ISO is the world's largest international standardization organization. It was established on February 23, 1947. Its predecessor was the International Federation of International Standardization Associations (ISA) established in 1928. He is also relatively large like IEC. IEC stands for "International Electrotechnical Commission" and was established in London in 1906. It is the earliest international standardization organization in the world. IEC is mainly responsible for standardization activities in the electrical and electronic fields. The ISO is responsible for standardization activities in all fields except the electrical and electronic fields.
ISO declares that its purpose is to "promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world to facilitate the international exchange of goods and services, and to cooperate in the fields of intelligence, science, technology, and economy." ISO now has 117 members, including 117 Countries and regions.
The highest authority of ISO is the "General Assembly" once a year, and its daily office is the Central Secretariat, located in Geneva, Switzerland. The Central Secretariat currently has 170 staff, headed by the Secretary-General.